
At last there arose from these struggles a man great enough to bring order and peace to Rome.

Julius Caesar

This man was Julius Caesar, a general in the Roman army. Caesar was a military hero, and the soldiers loved him, as did the plebeians. He knew that if he wanted to keep power, he would have to make many reforms. Caesar did so by showing mercy and wisdom in all that he did, laying the foundation of law and government that lasted for centuries. Caesar improved life a great deal in Rome, building new buildings, reducing taxes, passing fair laws, creating new farms, and helping the plebeians to have a better life. Though Julius Caesar brought order to Rome, he took power away from the people and the Senate by declaring himself dictator for life. Eventually Julius Caesar was killed by other powerful generals and patrician senators. They were afraid of him because they thought he had become too powerful, and that Rome was in danger as a result.

There was a great power struggle after Caesar's assassination. Many generals tried to take over Rome. 

Mark Antony was one of Julius Caesar’s supporters, and yet also one of the men who had plotted to kill Caesar. He tried to take power after Caesar died, but the people did not like him because he had married Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. They were afraid of Cleopatra’s ambition to make Egypt as powerful, or more powerful, than Rome. In 31 B.C., Mark Antony’s army was defeated in a battle at sea with Caesar’s adopted son, whose name was Octavian. Mark Antony and Cleopatra killed themselves rather than be taken by Octavian’s forces.


Why was Julius Caesar killed?

The Republic of Rome did not want one person to have too much power, so Caesar was killed by fearful members of the Senate.

"I came, I saw, I conquered" -Julius Caesar

This famous quote was originally written by Caesar after winning a battle.

Can you find any other famous quotes of Caesar's?  Pick one and give a brief summary of it's meaning.