
Start researching your topic!

Research projects can feel overwhelming at first―there’s so much to keep up with! However, when you break the larger task down into smaller steps and just focus on one step at a time, what seemed like a difficult task can seem much easier.

Young student studying at a table in the library.

As you have seen in this lesson, there are many steps in the research process. By now, you should be familiar enough with them to get started researching. You already created research questions earlier in the lesson. Now you need to follow these two steps―for each of your research questions:

Step 1 Find two or three good, reliable, and trustworthy sources that include information related to the research question.
Step 2 Summarize what you find out from each of those sources, and include the source information in your notes.
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Using the process outlined in this lesson, begin researching your topic. Record your notes and the source information for each source based on the guidelines you learned. You can create a table for this information or list it under headings the way Dev did.

When you have fully researched each of your research questions, save your journal file and then submit it to your teacher for grading. (You may need to work on this journal assignment for more than one day in order to complete it.)