
The Inca were ruled by an emperor who was believed to be descended from the sun god, Inti.

Reenactment of Inti Raymi or the Sun Festival, Cuzco, Peru. Every tribe in the empire had to build a temple to the sun god. The chief sun temple was in the capital city of Cuzco. The Inca New Year was celebrated on the day when the sun passed directly over this temple at noon. This celebration was called the great Sun Festival.

On this day, anyone in the city who wasn’t an Inca left to go camp in the fields. Everyone else gathered in the main square by the temple. The emperor, also called the Sapa Inca, removed his crown and prayed to the sun all night. In the morning, when the rays of the rising sun filled the temple, he came out. The people brought him a pure white llama. He welcomed it and gave it a special message to deliver to the gods. Then it was sent out into the mountains to deliver its message to the sun.

Inti, sun god. The people celebrated for the rest of the day with music, dancing, and beer made from maize. They honored the Sapa Inca, because he was the child of the sun. Just as the sun made their plants grow, the Sapa Inca cared for them and ruled them for their own good.