In this lesson, you will learn about Montreal and some of the things to visit there.

What if one day you decide to visit Montreal? You will need to know what to see in the city and where to go. In this lesson, you will learn about some interesting and historic places to see in this Canadian city, and you will also plan a perfect weekend there. We will also review the futur proche and the futur simple verb tenses and introduce some other transition words and expressions that are useful for creating smooth, logical paragraphs in French. Watch the video to get an overview of what we are going to study in this lesson.
In this lesson, you will learn about famous monuments and other attractions in the Canadian city of Montreal. You will also learn some more transition words and expressions used to create smooth, logical paragraphs in French.
À Montréal, il y a la Basilique Notre-Dame. Elle se trouve dans le quartier du Vieux Montréal.
In Montreal there is the Notre-Dame Basilica. It is in the Old Montreal district.
Can you tell what a basilica is?
Yes, it’s a church!
Vous pouvez voir la colonne Nelson sur la Place Jacques-Cartier. C’est le monument le plus vieux de la ville. What can you find on Place Jacques-Cartier?
Nelson’s Column
Si vous allez à la Place Jean-Drapeau, vous pouvez visiter la Biosphère. C’est un musée sur l’environnement. If you go to the Place Jean-Drapeau, you can visit the Biosphere. It’s a museum about the environment.
Dans le Vieux Port de Montréal, il y a la Tour de l’Horloge. Elle marque l’entrée du Vieux Port. Do you remember what horloge means? It means clock. So, la Tour de l’Horloge, is a clock tower.
Au centre de la Place d’Armes, il y a le Monument Maisonneuve, en honneur de Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve. C’était le fondateur de Montréal. At the center of the Place d’Armes, there is the Maisonneuve Monument, in honor of Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve. He was the founder of Montreal.
À Montréal, on peut aussi voir le Mont Royal, qui est une petite montagne à l’ouest du centre-ville.
In Montreal, we can also see Mount Royal, which is a small mountain west of downtown.
Beaucoup de monde pense que Montréal est la capitale du Canada, mais c’est en fait Ottawa.
Lots of people think that Montreal is the capital city of Canada, but it’s actually Ottawa.
Montréal se trouve dans la province du Québec.
Montréal est dans une province francophone, donc la langue utilisée dans la ville est principalement le français.
Connaissez-vous le groupe de musique Simple Plan? Ce groupe est issu de Montréal. This band is out of Montreal.
You will also study some new transition words and expressions in this lesson.
I’ll bet you can figure out the meaning of these three just by hearing me say them!
Premièrement-- firstly
Deuxièmement-- secondly
Finalement – finally
En même temps que = at the same time
En même temps que je prendrai des photos, tu achèteras des souvenirs. At the same time I’ll take pictures, you’ll buy souvenirs.
Bientôt = soon
Bientôt, je pourrai visiter le Canada. Soon, I’ll be able to
visit Canada.
En attendant = meanwhile
En attendant, je planifierai le prochain jour pour visiter
la ville. Meanwhile, I will plan the next day of visiting
the city.
Finalement = finally
Finalement, on ira dormir. Finally, we’ll go to sleep.
As you can see, you’ll learn a good bit about Canada. And the additional transitions will help you build paragraphs that flow seamlessly in French. Time to study!
Au travail!
What’s the name of the little mountain that is west of downtown Montreal?
Mont Royal