Use the following practice activity to see if you can choose the correct verb and the correct conjugation to complete each sentence.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of être, avoir, aller, vouloir, or pouvoir. The first four sentences ask you to determine the correct conjugation. The second four require you to choose the correct verb and the correct conjugation to complete the sentence!
On __________ voir un film vendredi, non?
- peux
- peut
- peuvent
- pouvons
On takes the same verb form as il or elle.
On takes the same verb form as il or elle.
On takes the same verb form as il or elle.
On takes the same verb form as il or elle.
Tu _________ prêt?
- suis
- est
- es
- sommes
Être is an irregular verb.
Être is an irregular verb.
Être is an irregular verb.
Être is an irregular verb.
Ça __________?
- va
- vas
- vais
- allez
This means “How’s it going?”
This means “How’s it going?”
This means “How’s it going?”
This means “How’s it going?”
Nous __________ beaucoup de devoirs ce soir.
- avez
- a
- ont
- avons
Avoir is regular when it comes to nous and vous.
Avoir is regular when it comes to nous and vous.
Avoir is regular when it comes to nous and vous.
Avoir is regular when it comes to nous and vous.
Je __________ écouter de la musique.
- veux
- vas
- veut
- peuvent
How do you say I want?
How do you say I want?
How do you say I want?
How do you say I want?
Comment __________-vous?
- voulez
- avez
- sommes
- allez
The formal way of saying “How are you?”
The formal way of saying “How are you?”
The formal way of saying “How are you?”
The formal way of saying “How are you?”
Elles __________ un problème.
- vont
- peuvent
- ont
- avent
How do you say “They have”?
How do you say “They have”?
How do you say “They have”?
How do you say “They have”?
Vous __________ certain?
- êtes
- avez
- voulez
- pouvez
How do you say “You are”?
How do you say “You are”?
How do you say “You are”?
How do you say “You are”?
Questions answered correctly:
Questions answered incorrectly:
One good way to study verbs is to write out sentences using the different verbs.