This lesson has been all about subject pronouns—how and when to use them as well as putting them with five of the most commonly used verbs in French: être, avoir, aller, vouloir, and pouvoir. In your practice activities, you worked on choosing the correct subject or the correct verb, but now it’s time to practice using both! Remember, in French, a sentence requires a subject in addition to a conjugated verb.

Locate your file containing this module’s journal assignment and paste the prompt below at the end of the document. Label the entry with this lesson’s title. Then type a response to the prompt.
Write two sentences with singular subject pronouns and two sentences with plural subject pronouns.
When you have written a complete and detailed answer to the journal prompt, save the file so that you can open it again for the next lesson with a journal assignment. (You will submit your journal to your teacher for grading once or twice during the module.)