In the video you saw most of the present-tense forms of devoir. In the table below is the full conjugation. Take your time reviewing it and listening to how all the forms sound. Try repeating each form of devoir out loud.

Je dois |
I should, must, have to |
Tu dois |
You should, must, have to |
Il/Elle/On doit |
He/She/One should, must, has to |
Nous devons |
We should, must, have to |
Vous devez |
You should, must, have to |
Ils/Elles doivent |
They should, must, have to |
Quiz yourself on the conjugation of devoir using the flashcards below.
Decide what each sentence means, then check your understanding by clicking the flashcard.
Je dois téléphoner ma mère.
I have to (should) call my mother.
Tu dois étudier plus.
You should (must) study more.
Elle doit aller au parc cet après-midi.
She has to go to the park this afternoon.
Nous devons parler en français.
We should (must) speak in French.
Vous devez travailler au supermarché à neuf heures.
You have to work at the supermarket at 9:00.
Ils doivent acheter la nourriture dimanche.
They should (must) buy food Sunday.
In English, when we say we should do something, it implies that we feel an obligation to do it. But we might not. When someone says “I should exercise more,” they might or might not actually follow through by doing it. In English, we use must or to have to when we feel a more concrete sense of obligation. In this way, English is more specific than French.
In French, devoir is used in both situations. The verb expresses an obligation or duty to do something, but you must determine from the context if the speaker means they should do or must do it. For example, someone may say Je dois étudier plus. If they are a serious student, it is reasonable to assume they mean I must study more. If the speaker is someone who wants good grades but doesn’t want to work hard, they probably mean I should study more.
What are the three possible interpretations of the verb devoir?
should, must, to have to