Earlier in this course, you learned the irregular verbs vouloir (to want) and pouvoir (to be able to).
These verbs are commonly used in French conversation, especially to make plans or invite others. Briefly review these verbs using the flashcards below.
Je veux
I want
Tu veux
You want
Elle ne veut pas
She doesn’t want
Je peux
I can
Tu ne peux pas
You cannot
Il peut
He can
Je veux y aller, mais je ne peux pas y aller.
I want to go, but I can’t go.
Zack wants to spend some time with Elise this week. She likes spending time with him, but she has a very busy week. After Zack invites her to join him a few times, he’s about ready to give up. Follow along, by reading and listening to their conversation. Be prepared to answer some questions about what happens.
For example:
Elise: Salut Zack!
Zack: Bonjour Elise.
Elise: Comment ça va?
Zack: Bien, mais je serais (would be)
super bien, si tu peux aller au cinéma ce soir avec moi?
Elise: Desolée Zack. Je ne peux pas
aller au cinéma. Je dois étudier avec Jonathan ce soir.
Zack: Alors, est-ce que tu peux aller
au cinéma demain?
Elise: Euh, non. Je ne peux pas aller
au cinéma demain. Je dois préparer pour mon récital
Zack: Donc, est-ce que tu veux aller
danser au club jeudi?
Elise: Pardon Zack, je ne peux pas
aller danser au club jeudi. Je dois fêter l’anniversaire
de ma soeur.
Zack: Et le week-end, tu dois étudier
avec Jonathan?
Elise: Non.
Zack: Tu dois préparer ton récital?
Elise: Non.
Zack: J’imagine que tu ne veux pas
passer le weekend à Paris avec moi et ma soeur?
Elise: En fait, oui! Je veux bien
passer le weekend à Paris et je peux y aller.

Zack was pretty persistent. Did Elise want to spend time with him, or was she just giving him excuses? Answer the questions below to demonstrate your understanding of their conversation.
Why can’t Elise go to the movies with Zack tonight?
- She doesn’t want to go.
- She has a recital.
- She has to study with Jonathan.
Je dois étudier avec Jonathan ce soir means I have to study with Jonathan this evening.
Je dois étudier avec Jonathan ce soir means I have to study with Jonathan this evening.
Je dois étudier avec Jonathan ce soir means I have to study with Jonathan this evening.
Why can’t she go to the movies with Zack tomorrow?
- She has to study French.
- She has to prepare for her recital this weekend.
- She has to prepare for her recital on Wedneday.
Je dois preparer pour mon recital mercredi means I have to prepare for my recital Wednesday.
Je dois preparer pour mon recital mercredi means I have to prepare for my recital Wednesday.
Je dois preparer pour mon recital mercredi means I have to prepare for my recital Wednesday.
Why can’t Elise go out dancing with Zack on Thursday?
- She has to celebrate her sister’s birthday.
- She doesn’t like Zack.
- She has to celebrate her brother’s birthday.
Je dois fêter l’anniversaire de ma soeur means I have to celebrate my sister’s birthday.
Je dois fêter l’anniversaire de ma soeur means I have to celebrate my sister’s birthday.
Je dois fêter l’anniversaire de ma soeur means I have to celebrate my sister’s birthday.
What does Elise want to do this weekend?
- spend the weekend with Zack and his sister in Paris
- take Zack to the movies
- study with Jonathan.
Je veuz bien passer le weekend à Paris means I want to spend the weekend in Paris.
Je veuz bien passer le weekend à Paris means I want to spend the weekend in Paris.
Je veuz bien passer le weekend à Paris means I want to spend the weekend in Paris.
Questions answered correctly:
Questions answered incorrectly:
How do you say I have to study tonight in French?
Je dois étudier ce soir.