
Let’s speak!


Speak Up!

On this page, you will listen to each audio and repeat the sentences to help practice your pronunciation. Pay good attention to each word in order to pronounce the words correctly. After listening to each sentence, when you are ready to repeat the same sentence, record yourself. Your teacher will give you feedback on your pronunciation. Let’s start!

If you feel that some words are hard to pronounce, practice saying them by themselves.

Woman using a headset and a laptop

When you are finished recording these sentences in French, turn them in to your teacher. Your recordings will be graded using the following rubric.

Strong Good Developing Emerging
Language Control
Few errors when using practiced structures, time frames and word order Some errors when using practiced structures, time frames and word order Errors in practiced material may require interpretation Errors in practiced material often impede communication
Accurate pronunciation, with native sounds Mostly accurate pronunciation, with many native sounds Some accurate pronunciation, with occasional native sounds Pronunciation errors often impede communication
Rate of practiced speech is consistent, with few hesitations Rate of practiced speech is appropriate to the level Some unnatural hesitations or pauses Many unnatural hesitations or pauses