
How does Esperanza grow into her new role as la patrona of her family?

At the end of the previous chapter, “Las Papas: Potatoes,” Esperanza tells Mama to rest and not to worry because Esperanza will take on the role of la patrona, a woman who looks after and guides her family. In the chapter you are about to read, you’ll see Esperanza try to do just that. She has to grow from a child, whom others cared for, into a young woman who cares for others, and she has to do this quickly.

Colorful Pinata, front angle view isolated on white background. 3D Rendering, Illustration.

Character development in stories happens when authors create characters who change over time, just as people do in real life. And just as in real life, characters develop because of events that happen in their lives and because of the people who are in their lives.

What might avocados and a piñata have to do with how Esperanza changes while Mama is in the hospital?

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Read the Novel

Read the chapter titled “Los Aguacates: Avocados” in Esperanza Rising before moving on to the next page in this lesson.

As you read, try to answer these questions for yourself. Think about how Esperanza’s character develops, or changes, and what causes this development.

What new tasks does Esperanza learn to do in this chapter? What decisions does she face?
How will Esperanza make more progress toward the goals she has set for herself?
How will the women in Esperanza’s life serve as mentors and role models in this chapter?