
Let’s review what we’ve learned.

Are you ready to take this lesson's quiz? The questions below will help you find out. Make sure you understand why each correct answer is correct—if you don't, review that part of the lesson.

Describe the difference between explicit and implicit grid tracks.

What are grid lines, and why are they important?

Describe the relationship between a grid container and a grid item.

What properties does the shorthand grid affect?

The following image is a 6-column grid. What would the grid-template-areas values be to accomplish this layout? (You can use item name, as long as it's consistent for each.)

Your Responses Sample Answers
Explicit tracks are specific outlines in the grid container properties. Implicit tracks are the tracks created based on the explicit layout, once the explicit tracks reach the maximum number of grid items they can hold.
Grid lines are the horizontal and vertical lines that create the structure of the grid. They are used for positioning items on the grid.
A grid container is the parent element, and the grid items are child elements that inherit any explicit container values as their default.
grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, grid-template-areas, grid-auto-rows, grid-auto-columns, and grid-auto-flow
(Grid item names may vary.)
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