
Adding Coins Practice




thinking monkey

Can you add coins?

Now that you can recognize different types of coins, can you add them together?

How much money is shown below?
Click on your answer.

3 pennies

How much money is shown below?

5 pennies

How much money is shown below?

2 pennies
  1. 10¢
  2. 20¢

How much money is shown below?

7 pennies

How much money is shown below?

2 nickels
  1. 10¢
  2. 20¢

How much money is shown below?

2 pennies, 2 dimes
  1. 14¢
  2. 12¢
  3. 22¢

How much money is shown below?

3 pennies, 2 nickles
  1. 15¢
  2. 14¢
  3. 13¢
  4. 12¢

How much money is shown below?

5 pennies, 1 dimes
  1. 13¢
  2. 17¢
  3. 16¢
  4. 15¢

How much money is shown below?

5 pennies, 1 dimes
  1. 21¢
  2. 41¢
  3. 16¢
  4. 17¢

How much money is shown below?

3 nickels
  1. 10¢
  2. 15¢
  3. 30¢


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