Compass Rose and a Map

Let’s watch a video about Jackson!
Jackson is taking a trip around town with his family. He’s going to use a compass rose and a map to help him find his way. Let’s see how he does!
This is a map of the town Jackson lives in. He wants to take a trip around town with his
family today! Can you help Jackson read the map?
We will use a compass rose to help us tell Jackson where to go!
A compass rose tells us the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west.
It can also tell us the directions in-between: northwest, northeast, southwest, and
southeast! Let’s get started!
Here is Jackson’s house! He wants to visit the market first. Which direction does he
need to go?
Let’s look at the compass rose. He needs to go left on the map. That’s west! Jackson
will go west to get to the market.
Jackson will sit on this bench to eat the snacks he will buy from the market. Then, he
wants to visit the playground at his school. Which direction does he need to go to get
to the school?
He needs to go up. That’s north! Jackson needs to go north to get to the school from the
After Jackson’s done playing on the playground, he wants to go to the circus in town.
direction does he need to go to, to get to the circus from the school? Let’s look at
the compass rose!
That’s northwest! Jackson needs to go northwest from the school to get to the circus.
Jackson has a full day planned in his town! Once he is done at the circus, he wants to
go to the museum. We need to look at the compass rose to see which direction Jackson
needs to go to get to the museum from the circus.
You’ve got it! Jackson needs to go southeast from the circus to get to the museum.
What a long trip! Jackson will need to go home after the museum. Which direction does
Jackson need to go to get from the museum to his house?
Excellent! Jackson needs to go east from the museum to get to his house.
What a fun trip around town! You helped Jackson find each stop using cardinal
Jackson went lots of places with his family! Can you find your way with a compass and a map?

What direction would you go to get from the school to the tire center?
If you look at the compass rose, you’ll see you must go north to get to the tire center from the school.