
Let’s Learn!

Calculate the value of other coins to equal the value of quarters!



thinking monkey

Think About It!

Goal: Calculate coins to equal the value of quarters.

We have liftoff! It is time to learn all about quarters. Like pennies, nickels, and dimes, a quarter is a coin. The quarter has the largest value of all the coins. It is worth 25¢.

Review the value of the coins you have learned about in our lessons.

Coins Value of Coins
penny, front and back 1 penny = 1 cent, or 1¢
nickel, front and back 1 nickel = 5 cents, or 5¢
dime, front and back 1 dime = 10 cents, or 10¢
quarter, front and back 1 quarter = 25 cents, or 25¢

Work through the activities on each tab to learn more about quarters!

We are going to find different values of quarters with Chopper the Duck. Here we go!

What is the value of the coins?

Chopper the Duck

Now that we have looked at the value of quarters with Chopper the Duck, let’s find the value of other coins that equal any quarter amount. There are many ways to combine the coins!

Follow these steps to add the value of different coins.

Step 1 Order the coins from largest in value to smallest in value.
Step 2 Group together the coins that are the same to get the value of each coin group.
Step 3 Add all the coin groups together to get their total value.

Let’s follow our steps to count coins equal to the value of a quarter!

Click on the tab to show the number and value of coins that equal different amounts of quarters.

Chopper the Duck with coins in the cloud: 1 dime + 2 nickels + 5 pennies
Chopper the Duck with coins in the cloud: 3 dimes + 3 nickels + 5 pennies
Chopper the Duck with coins in the cloud: 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel
Chopper the Duck with coins in the cloud: 3 quarters, 1 dime, 3 nickels

Let’s take a helicopter flight with Chopper the Duck to our next lesson. Liftoff!