
Problem Solving

How do you use what you have learned to problem solve?




Goal: Apply what you have learned about multiplication to solve a word problem.

Can you choose a strategy to solve a word problem? Here are the key words and problem-solving steps:

Problem-Solving Steps

  1. Read the problem.
  2. Look for important information.
  3. Write a math sentence.
  4. Choose a way to solve.
  5. Solve and label your answer.

Multiplication Key Words

each by of
per in all total

Get a red and yellow highlighter or marker and a pencil. Then follow the steps to solve the problem.

Ava has 7 piles of cards. There are 4 cards in each pile. How many cards does Ava have?

7 piles of cards with 4 cards in each pile

Click through each slide to see the steps!

Now use the steps to try this one on your own!

Read and Solve

Follow the steps you learned. Use any strategy to solve the problem.

Ava has 8 groups of 5 cards. How many cards does Ava have?

8 \({ \times }\) 5 = ?

30 cards
35 cards
40 cards

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