
Let’s Learn!

Why do we build arrays?



Think About It!

Goal: Can you build an array?

The windows on the town hall look like an array. An array puts items in rows and columns. Then we can see the groups and how many are in each!

Town hall building with 24 windows
Empty array with an arrow to blank addition and multiplication sentences

We will use the array to create a repeated addition sentence and a multiplication sentence. Both will get us the correct answer. A repeated addition sentence adds the same addend over and over. A multiplication sentence multiplies two factors.


The town hall is 3 windows tall and is 8 windows across. That is a 3 by 8 array.

Town hall with two arrows, one vertical and one horizontal. Vertical: 3, Horizontal: 8

Click mock orange show-me button to see a 3 by 8 array!


This is a 3 by 8 array.

3 x 8 array of dots

We need to write a repeated addition sentence.


How many addends do we need?


What is the repeated addend?


8 + 8 + 8 = ? is the repeated addition sentence.

3 x 8 array of dots 8 + 8 + 8 = ___

We need to write a multiplication sentence.


What is the first factor?


What is the second factor?

Total Number

3 x 8 = ? is the multiplication sentence.

3 x 8 array of dots 8 + 8 + 8 = ___. 3 x 8 = ___

How many windows are on the town hall? We need to find the total number for each sentence. Click mock orange show-me button to see!

We build arrays to add and multiply. The array helps us find the total number!