

Let’s make Array City!




Goal: Build arrays to add and multiply.

Can you build your own arrays? You will need two medium-sized boxes, scissors, glue, and this Array City sheet .


Create an array that is 4 windows tall and 3 windows across.

box with one window

Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Now use your array to fill in and solve the repeated addition and multiplication sentences.

___ + ___ + ___ + ___ = ___

___ x ___ = ___

Use the number of rows for the number of addends and the first product. Use the number in each row for the repeated addend and the second product.

Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Create an array that is 5 windows tall and 5 windows across.

box with one window

Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Now use your array to fill in and solve the repeated addition and multiplication sentences.

___ + ___ + ___ + ___ + ___ = ___

___ x ___ = ___

Use the number of rows for the number of addends and the first product. Use the number in each row for the repeated addend and the second product.

Click mock purple show-me button to check your work!

Continue to practice with the worksheet below! When you are done, turn it in to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.

Array City