Volume is the amount of space a container takes up. Look at these two balls.
The smaller one
takes up less space. It has a smaller volume. The larger one takes up more space. It has a
larger volume.
Capacity is the amount a container can hold. When a container can hold a
lot, we say it has
the largest capacity. If the container holds a small amount, we say it has the smallest
Let’s learn how to find the volume of a container by clicking through the slides below.
Sometimes we can look at containers and know which one has the largest
capacity based on size. The one that is larger can hold more! It has a
bigger volume. Look at the pictures below.
This is a baby
This is a
swimming pool.
We can look at these pictures to see which one has the bigger volume. The
swimming pool can hold a lot more water than the baby pool! The swimming
pool has the larger volume.
Some containers are very close in size. We cannot tell by just looking at
container which has the largest volume. We have to measure! Go to the next
to learn how to measure volume.
We can compare containers that are similar in size. To compare, we can fill
one container and pour it into the other container. If it doesn’t fill the
other container, we know the second one has the larger volume. If it
overflows the other container, we know that the first container has the
larger volume.
Look at the two containers. These two containers are similar in size. Click
the blue container for the water to be poured into the green container.
What happened? The blue container did not fill up the green container! That
means the green container can hold more. The green container has a larger
capacity and a larger volume!
Let’s see what happens if we fill the green container first.
Now we will try pouring the green container into the blue container. What do
you think will happen? Click the green container to find out!
It overflowed the blue container! That tells us that the green container can
hold more than the blue container. The green container has a larger volume
and capacity than the blue container.
Now you know how to measure containers to find out which one has the largest volume! Click
the object below that you think has the largest volume.
Correct! The
gallon of milk can hold more than the juice box and
the water bottle. It has the largest volume!
This juice box does not hold as much liquid as the
water bottle or
the gallon of milk. It has the smallest volume. Try again!
The water bottle has a larger volume than the juice
box, but a
smaller volume than the gallon of milk. Try again!