
Your Place in the World Assignment

Can you find your country and location on a map?



Unless you're flying in a spaceship right now, you are somewhere on planet Earth. But do you know exactly where? What country do you live in? Do you live near the northern, eastern, southern, western, or middle part of your country? Is your city next to the ocean, a lake, or mountain ranges? What is the biggest city closest to you?

Let's put ourselves on the map. Click the Activity button to access and print the Your Place in the World worksheet. Draw a circle around the country you live in on the first page. Then, search the rest of the worksheet to find a close-up of your area. Draw a star where you are, and label it with the name of your city. Finally, write down the name of the biggest city near you and how far you are from a natural source of water or other major landmark.

You will be graded using this rubric:



I correctly circled my country on the first page.


I drew a star on the city I live in and labeled it.


I wrote the name of the biggest city near me.


I showed how far I am from a natural source of water or another important landmark.