How do people move around in a community?
Maps help us know where to go. Transportation helps us get there! Transportation is moving from one place to another. Transportation is important to be able to go to work, to the grocery store, and other places that we want and need to visit. There are many ways that people move through a community! Click through the slideshow below to learn about them.
![]() In some communities, people walk around their town. These people live in places where schools, grocery stores, parks, the post office, and other important buildings are close together. Cities are good examples of this. People who live in cities often live in apartment buildings. They can walk to all the places they need to go! ![]() Do you walk to travel to places around your community? ![]() ![]() Using a bike or a skateboard to get around is another form of transportation. Bikes and skateboards help you move faster and go farther than you can when you walk. People can ride bikes and skateboards to get to work or school. Bikes are a common form of transportation in cities or small towns. ![]() Can you ride your bike to go from place to place where you live? ![]() ![]() Electric scooters and electric bikes are popular forms of transportation in and around cities. Electric scooters and bikes can be rented from around the city and returned to different locations, making travel convenient. In cities where there is a lot of traffic, electric scooters, and bikes make it easy to move around the traffic. In most places, you must be sixteen years old before you can ride an electric scooter. ![]() ![]() Many people drive a car to go places. Cars are used as transportation in all types of living areas. It is necessary in rural areas where there is a distance separating the places you need to go. Cars are also used in and around cities to get from place to place. Be ready to sit in traffic if you travel in a car in a city! Do you ride in a car to get from place to place where you live? ![]() ![]() Public transportation is a bus or subway that you pay to ride on. People wait at a bus stop and need to know which bus will take them to the location they need to go. Public transportation is found in and around cities. It can be a convenient way to travel because people can work while they ride since they do not have to drive. |
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You learned all about how people move from place to place in their community. Show what you learned by answering the questions below! Discuss the answer with your Learning Coach. Then, your Learning Coach can help you type the answer in the box. After you have answered all the questions, check your answers to see if you got it!
Why do people need to move around in their community?
What are the different types of transportation?
Why would people use public transportation?
What type of transportation might someone use if they live in a rural area?
How would someone travel if they lived in a city?
Your Responses | Sample Answers |
People need to be able to go to work or the grocery store. They need to be able to go where they want or need to go. | |
Walking, riding a bike, scooter, or skateboard, driving a car, and public transportation are different forms of transportation. | |
People would use public transportation if they did not have their own card. They could also use it as a convenient way to travel in a city. They might use public transportation to get things done while they travel. | |
People who live in a rural area would most likely drive their own car to get from place to place. | |
There are many ways to travel in a city! People can walk, ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, or ride public transportation. People can also drive in a city; traffic makes this hard. |
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