
Hands-on with Measuring and Line Plots

Measure and create a line plot graph.



Q the robot

Q the Robot keeps looking at the bicycles on the road and sees all different sizes. Are you ready to make a line plot on your own? Grab a piece of paper and get ready to measure the bicycles Q sees! Click the slide show to make your own line plot graph!

Look at the bikes below and measure them to the nearest inch.

Child’s Bike

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Adult's Bike

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Click image to enlarge

Teenager's Bike

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Click image to enlarge

How did you do? Do you have your measurements written down? Click to the next slide when you have your measurements.

Now it’s time to make your line plot! When you have your line plot graph ready, click below to see if you made it correctly. Do not forget to title and label your line plot.

Great job completing your line plot! Now you can tell which bike is the longest! Q the Robot is proud of you for creating your first line plot graph!

Look at your line plot graph. Which bike is the longest?

  1. child’s bike
  2. teenagers’ bike

The bike with the most X marks is the longest.

The bike with the most X marks is the longest.

The bike with the most X marks is the longest.


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