How many dog walkers walked only 1 dog in Central Park?
You got it! There are 10 dog walkers that walked only 1 dog in Central Park.
Goal: Gather data to create a line plot.
We are going to Central Park in New York City with Q the Robot. Q wants to count our dog-walker friends. Dog walkers are people who walk dogs during the day while their owners are at work. Let’s explore some data about dog walkers and learn about line plots.
The first step to create our line plot is to gather our data. We already know how to make tally marks. Let’s look at the dog-walking data that Q gathered. The dog walkers have different numbers of dogs they walk. Remember, we are using a chart like the one in our first lesson. Let’s look at the chart.
Gather the data!
From our chart, can you tell how many people are dog walkers?
Our line plot graph is a number line. Q gathered data about dog walkers, so we will title our graph "Dog Walkers in Central Park." We are comparing how many dogs each dog walker has. So, the number line shows 1 dog, 2 dogs, and 3 dogs. Order from least to greatest or from the lowest number to the highest.
Draw our Graph!
Now we have the line-plot graph information. Let’s add the data! Line plots use an X for the objects that are graphed. In this graph, each X is equal to one dog walker.
Each X = a dog walker
Super! We have graphed all 30 dog walkers in a line plot that shows how many dogs each of them walked in Central Park.
Let’s analyze our line plot graph!