
Just as the treatment of adult criminals is controversial, there are different opinions about how we should treat these juvenile offenders.

Outward Bound Group hiking Some think we should be tough on them, while others think we should do more to help them with their problems.

Some delinquent youths take part in tough outdoor programs such as Outward Bound (shown at the left). Young people are confronted with difficult physical challenges in the outdoors. Often, success lies in learning to work together. For example, a group might be split into three smaller groups, and sent off on a three day backpacking trip, each with a map outlining a different route. The three groups are to meet at the end of each day at a given location. One group carries the food, another has the tents, and another is responsible for the sleeping bags. Obviously, if everyone is to have their needs met, the groups must learn to cooperate. The purpose of these programs is to enhance cooperation skills and self-esteem. The hope is that the youths will discover that they have within them the power to change the way they act.

It is very important for us to deal wisely with juvenile offenders because a large percentage of adults who commit crimes began as youthful offenders. Furthermore, research shows that difficulties reading and writing are strong predictors of deliquency. It is important that our youth have an education and training for employment so they can pay their own way in life and feel good about their accomplishments. Most people want to contribute to society in a positive way, but a person without a job and no hope for future employment will be seriously discouraged, and will often turn to crime in an attempt to survive and find a place for themselves in the world.