

In a moment, you will return to your notes from the previous lesson and complete your cues and summary.   Remember the value of cues and summaries.

  • The cues are a tool to help you remember and understand the content of the lecture.
  • The summary gives you the gist or meaning of what was said—it brings together the many concepts, facts, and ideas into one main idea or theme. 

When you have finished your notes, you will compare them to the sample notes for the same lecture.

As you complete your notes, ask yourself these two important questions:

  • Did you write cues that will guide remembering and understanding the important parts of the lecture?
  • Did you write a summary that describes the main idea, and the important concepts that I would like to remember in the future?   

Go now to complete your final notes.

When you have finished your final notes, click here to review the sample notes. Compare the sample to your notes, and evaluate your notes by asking these questions:

  • Did you include a cues question for each major facts or idea in your notes? 
  • Are all of your cues phrased as questions or leading statements that could be used for self-study?
  • Did you include questions that might prompt understanding or reveal connections between ideas?
  • Does your summary demonstrate understanding of the main theme and not just a restatement of the facts?

When you have finished your notes and comparison, scan or take a picture of them and submit them to your teacher.