Versus Reviews
Versus reviews are reviews that feature direct comparisons between two competing products. You get the pros and cons of each—information that is very helpful in choosing the product that is best for you.
Do you look at reviews of products before you make a purchase? Most consumers take some time in the consumer buying process to research a product and look at product reviews. Product reviews are one of the best ways to learn the good and bad features of a product. These reviews can greatly influence whether a consumer buys a product.
Why are reviews so valuable? You can search for a product and find numerous reviews on most company websites. A large number of reviews may be your best source for information about a product. Another advantage of numerous reviews is that you get an unbiased view; many people will probably say the same thing and give you information that is more correct. You also get real information because consumers speak from personal experience.
Look below at the slideshow to see different types of reviews. Use this information to answer the question below; then compare your answer to the answer provided.
What is the overall value of product reviews?
Product reviews in all forms give detailed information about a product and provide consumers with great insight into the quality and value of a product. This educates consumers and allows them to make better purchasing decisions.