Complete the following activity.
1. Let’s say you take an ice cube out of the freezer and let it melt. Explain what is happening, in terms of heat transfer. Is the ice cube cooling down the air around it? What is the state it eventually reaches?
2. Try this experiment to see how reliable your hands are for determining temperature. You will need three bowls of water: one hot, one cold, and one lukewarm.
a. Put your right hand in the hot water and your left hand in the cold water. Hold them in the water for several seconds.b. Take your right hand out of the hot water and put it in the lukewarm water. How does it feel?c. Take your right hand out and put your left hand in the lukewarm water. How does it feel?d. Put your right hand back in the hot water and your left hand back in the cold water, leaving each hand in the water for several seconds.e. Now quickly put the right hand in the cold water and the left hand in the hot water (switching places). How do they feel?f. Think about your observations as you continue in the lesson.