
How well do you remember this module’s essential vocabulary?

This module’s vocabulary list consists of words that apply to media directly, and it also includes words from the articles that you’ve read—words that have little to no direct connection to media literacy.

Man with pad at a workplace communicating with young woman via futuristic screen hologram.

This is because your overall vocabulary—not just the words connected to media—serves to improve your media literacy. Our ability to interpret the ideas presented in media relies on our comprehension of the words used to present those ideas. The selections, therefore, have been based on the likelihood you’ll see these words in your future media.

Review the list below by clicking each word to reveal its definition. Once complete, apply your knowledge to the activity on the bottom of this page.

Now use the activity below to learn more about the context in which these words are often used. Use the table above to predict which words go into the blanks of the sentence below. Check your answers by clicking to reveal the complete sentences.