
Take a moment to review how to find mean, median and mode.


How do you calculate mean and what does it tell you about the data?

Mean is calculated by dividing the sum of the data points by the total number of data points. The mean is also known as the "average" and gives us one value that represents the entire set of data.


How do you calculate the mode and what does it tell us about the data?

Mode is the value in the data set that occurs most often. You can have no mode, 1 mode, or more than 1 mode in a data set. The mode tells us the data point that is most frequent. Mode is often used when there is a voting situation.


How do you calculate the median and what does it tell us about a set of data?

The median is the number that is in the middle of a set of data, after the data is placed in order. The median splits data into two equal parts and shows the middle of these two parts.