
Which class did better on the standardized test?

So how do the two sets of scores compare? Which group did better?

In order to decide you have to look at the measures of central tendency that you calculated along with the boxplots you created.

boxplot1 boxplot

Let's look at some of the different statistical measures for each set of data.

Measure of Central Tendency Group 1 Group 2
Minimum Score 1600 1400
Quartile 1 1700 1600
Median 1820 1805
Quartile 3 1920 1960
Maximum Score 1950 2055
Mean 1780 1795
Interquartile Range 220 360
Standard Deviation 155 202.4


Which group of students had the higher average SAT score?

Group 1: 1780
Group 2: 1795
Conclusion: Class B had the higher average SAT score.


What were the standard deviations of the groups?

Group 1: 155
Group 2: 202
Conclusion: SAT scores for students in group 1 varied less than those in group 2.