
When is an equation a function?

In a function, each value in the domain corresponds with exactly one value in the range. Usually the domain refers to x-values, and the range refers to y-values.

All the examples you have seen so far have contained coordinate pairs that produce points on a graph. But more often, you will be working with equations that can produce an infinite number of values and that you can graph using a line or a curve.

pencil resting on a piece of graph paper

You will need to be able to determine if these equations are functions, and you will need to be able to name their domain and range. Click each tab to see an example.

Evaluate \( y^{2} = x \) for \( x = 64 \). Is this equation a function?

two puzzle pieces connecting


To evaluate means to substitute the given value for the named variable and then solve.

Evaluate \( y = 15x + 3 \) for \( x = - 1,\ 0,\ 2 \). Is this equation a function?

In the first example, you were able to easily see that the equation \( y^{2} = x \) is not a function.

The value x = 64 is paired with both –8 and 8.
In the second example, \( y = 15x + 3 \), the values you substituted each produced only one y-value.

This indicates that the equation may be a function.


What do you notice about the equations \( y^{2} = x \) and \( y = 15x + 3 \)?

As a general rule, if an equation has an output variable (such as y) that is raised to an even power, 2, 4, 6, etc., then that equation is NOT a function.

If both the x and y variables are raised to the first power and there are no square root signs, then the equation is linear, and it is a function. All linear functions have a domain and range of all real numbers.

When an equation is a function, you can replace the output variable with function notation.

Write \( y = 15x + 3 \) using function notation.


Is the equation \( x^{2} + y^{2} = 50 \) a function? Explain.

HINT: Evaluate for \( x = 5 \).