
Can you design a complex message only using a word?

Font Resources

If you are looking to expand your font library you can download free fonts from the following site.



In this project, you will choose four words from the provided list and design a black and white image for each word that illustrates the meaning of the word or typographically enhances the meaning of the word by only using and modifying letters. Your designs should only use black elements on a white background and each final image should measure five inches by two inches.

While you will be focusing on using letters in your design, you can manipulate them in any way you see fit. To achieve the desired effect, avoid repeating the words or creating an illustration from the letter forms. The best solutions will enhance the word's meaning, but also will be clever and aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes an unexpected result can be achieved when the typographic solution contradicts the meaning of the word, such as setting the word "big" with small type.

Try avoiding the addition of any additional graphical elements unless you feel it is necessary to the design. For example, the image below for "illusion" adds a black rectangle behind the white letters to create the illusion of the word; but no distracting graphic elements were added, like a magic wand or magic hat. You should use the question of "Does this element having meaning on its own?" to judge if it oversteps the criteria of the project.

The examples below show four different ways fonts and letters were modified to express the meaning of the word. For each one, you can see the meaning of the word even if completely different letters were used in the design.

Falling Example Illusion Example

Correction Example
Slice Example

Choose your four words from the list of words shown below.

Gloomy Hazardous Lethargic
Sizzling Fractured Exhausted
Ecstatic Demonic Dazzling
Savage Otherworldly Speedy
Petite Elderly Frigid
Blissful Angelic Destructive
Spooky Flashy Nefarious

Be sure to label each file with your name and the chosen word. This will make sure that your instructor can grade your work properly.

You will be graded using the following rubric. Each image will be worth 15 points.

  5 Points - Excellent 3 Points - Good 1 Point - Poor
Conveyed Message The student has created an image that clearly expresses the word they picked. The student has created an image that adequately expresses the word they picked. The student has created an image that does not express the word they picked.
Quality The image is exceptionally well designed, making creative and clever use of artistic elements to express meaning. The image is acceptably designed, and shows the use of artistic elements. The image is messy or poorly designed, with few artistic elements.
Effort The image shows an exceptional degree of student effort in each design. The image shows an adequate amount of effort in each design. The image shows the minimal amount of effort in each design.