
Pick a font family, and design your own original font from scratch.

Sketches of different letters Now it's your turn to join the ranks of the world's best typographers, and create your own hand-drawn font from scratch, based on the skills we've studied in this lesson. Grab your favorite pen, pick a font family to start with (except symbol or script), and print out the worksheet below. Then, design a typeface for each of the 26 uppercase and lowercase letters.

To successfully complete this assignment, pay close attention to the guides on the worksheet. Make sure your font has a consistent look and feel, that your capital letters stay within the cap height and baseline, and that your lowercase letters use the x-height and descender guides accurately. Also, each letter should be drafted using the elements of art and the principles of design. This is not just your handwriting! Carefully shape and craft each letter to create a stylish, professional, and most importantly, readable type face.

Download this template to help you design your personal font. Write the type of font family you will start with (again, not symbol or script), and then create a new character for each letter of the alphabet: upper and lowercase.

Your work will be graded according to this rubric:

Make A Font Rubric

Font Family
You select one of the font families to begin with (except symbolor script). The font family's influence carries through all your characters.
Type Face
Your capital characters all stay within the cap height and baseline guides, and share a consistent look.
Your lowercase characters use the x-height and descender guides to inform their design, and share a consistent look.
Font Characteristics
Your font is drafted using the elements of art and principles of design. It is original (not a copy of another font), stylish, and easy to read.

Extra Credit! Make A Working Font

Once you have designed a type face you like, visit a website like calligraphr.com and download their template for a new working font that you can type with on any computer. Carefully re-draw your letters into each letter space, then scan and upload the template to the website. Finally, download the finished typeface and send it to your teacher for extra credit.