
What does the "right to bear arms" mean?

Amendment Two: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


The founders thought that state militias were needed to keep the country safe, so they made this rule to prevent Congress from going against the people's right to keep weapons.

The right to bear arms was included in the Constitution to give individuals the right to defend themselves. This right was given to defend citizens against tyranny, domestic or abroad.

When the colonists were organizing militia's against the British moving into the Revolution, it was imperative that they arm themselves. Many colonists wanted this amendment included in the Constitution in case the government wanted to take away the citizens' right to defend themselves, meaning the government could become too powerful. This amendment is a controversial topic even to this day with shootings happening and people wanting to protect themselves. Many do not feel as if it is the government's role to regulate gun use.