
What foreign policy issues do other countries face?

Many of the domestic and foreign affairs issues you've studied for this course may seem specific to the United States. However, most other nations in the world must deal with similar issues and concerns. Any democracy, especially, will face significant challenges related to security and financial stability, as well as decisions that will reflect well or poorly on its values or its status as a moral leader in the region. How a nation reacts to these challenges will determine the success or failure of the government in power, or even the fate of the nation itself.

A voter putting a ballot in a ballot box.

So far, you've studied policy issues related to how the United States deals with other nations. In this lesson, you'll explore the types of foreign policy issues that other nations, especially young democracies, encounter. You'll also evaluate some specific policies and take a close look at a very controversial foreign policy often employed by the U.S. government to assist younger democracies.


What issues are likely to face today's young democracies?

Modern democracies must develop policies to address globalism, terrorism, and financial insecurity in the face of global recession.