
How can technology help us with transformations?

The video below will show you how to use technology to see the changes in a parabola when the parts of its quadratic equation have changed. In the video, we demonstrate using gcalc, which is a free web download. You can use any graphing software, including graphing calculators, to get the same results.

PDF Download If you are given two equations and asked to talk about what transformations happens with the graph and you're a little lost, you can use the GCalc to help you through it.

For instance if I am given f of x equals x plus 1 squared and g of x equals x plus 3 squared, and they want to know what transformation happened from f to g, and you're unsure, you can plug them in here. So plug in our first one. And now we'll plug the second one in.

And we look and see what happened from this graph to this one. We notice it moved two spots to the left. So that's how you can use the GCalc to help you answer some of the following problems.
