
What are fluids?

Different states of matter solid, liquid, gas

Generally, we talk of matter being one of three different states: solid, liquid, or gas. In this lesson, we will focus only on liquids and gases, because they have some common characteristics. Let's review the properties of the three states of matter. Can you figure out what gases and liquids have in common?

Solid Liquid Gas
definite size and shape

can't easily be compressed

does not flow
takes the shape of the container

can't easily be compressed

flows easily
takes the shape and volume of the container

can be compressed

flows easily

Hopefully, you noticed that a liquid and a gas flow easily—the only difference is that a liquid has a definite volume and a gas does not. Because both liquids and gases can flow and take the shape of the container, they are both called fluids. We will focus our studies in this lesson on fluids.


One physical property of a substance is the density. Density is the mass per unit of volume of that substance. Is density constant for a gas?

The density of a gas would depend on the volume of that gas. Since the volume of a gas changes, the density will also change. The density of a gas generally depends on the pressure and temperature of the surrounding air. Usually, accepted values for density are given at 1 atmospheric pressure (atm) and 0°C. The density of a solid and the density of a liquid are going to be constant, regardless of how much of the substance there is. The density in those states depends only on the type of substance.