
Answer the questions below about what you have learned in this lesson.

What are the three main causes of erosion?

  1. fire, air, and movement
  2. water, wind, and glaciers
  3. volcanoes, earthquakes, and tornadoes
  4. rocks, soil, and sand

The three natural causes of erosion are wind, water and glaciers. In terms of capacity, glaciers cause the most erosion.

The three natural causes of erosion are wind, water and glaciers. In terms of capacity, glaciers cause the most erosion.

The three natural causes of erosion are wind, water and glaciers. In terms of capacity, glaciers cause the most erosion.

The three natural causes of erosion are wind, water and glaciers. In terms of capacity, glaciers cause the most erosion.

What is one effect of chemical weathering?

  1. formation of caves
  2. frost wedging
  3. formation of glaciers
  4. volcanic eruptions

Chemical weathering is what happens when rocks are broken down and chemically altered. This type of weathering is critical in the formation of caves.

Chemical weathering is what happens when rocks are broken down and chemically altered. This type of weathering is critical in the formation of caves.

Chemical weathering is what happens when rocks are broken down and chemically altered. This type of weathering is critical in the formation of caves.

Chemical weathering is what happens when rocks are broken down and chemically altered. This type of weathering is critical in the formation of caves.

Farmers benefit from mechanical weathering because it ___.

  1. discourages pests
  2. helps create soil
  3. encourages increased rainfall
  4. plows fields naturally

Mechanical weathering helps create soil by breaking down rocks to create the soils and then breaking down minerals to create vital nutrients important to farmers.

Mechanical weathering helps create soil by breaking down rocks to create the soils and then breaking down minerals to create vital nutrients important to farmers.

Mechanical weathering helps create soil by breaking down rocks to create the soils and then breaking down minerals to create vital nutrients important to farmers.

Mechanical weathering helps create soil by breaking down rocks to create the soils and then breaking down minerals to create vital nutrients important to farmers.

Which of the following is the study of where people, places, and things are located and how they relate to each other?

  1. geography
  2. geology
  3. sociology
  4. anthropology

Geography is the study of people, places and things and how they relate to each other all over the world.

Geography is the study of people, places and things and how they relate to each other all over the world.

Geography is the study of people, places and things and how they relate to each other all over the world.

Geography is the study of people, places and things and how they relate to each other all over the world.

How might acid rain change the look of an ancient stone sculpture?

  1. by wearing away its features
  2. by turning the upper surfaces blue
  3. by causing the stone to buckle and fold
  4. by changing the stone to metal

Acid rain slowly dissolves many types of stone. Calcium based minerals such as marble and limestone are particularly vulnerable.

Acid rain slowly dissolves many types of stone. Calcium based minerals such as marble and limestone are particularly vulnerable.

Acid rain slowly dissolves many types of stone. Calcium based minerals such as marble and limestone are particularly vulnerable.

Acid rain slowly dissolves many types of stone. Calcium based minerals such as marble and limestone are particularly vulnerable.

Which of the following is an example of human-environment interaction?

  1. planting a tree in your backyard
  2. writing an essay about pollution
  3. finding your state capital on a map
  4. comparing the sizes of two ponds

A human-environment interaction is refers to the ways people change their environment and how the environment effects them. By planting a tree you are physically interacting with your environment.

A human-environment interaction is refers to the ways people change their environment and how the environment effects them. By planting a tree you are physically interacting with your environment.

A human-environment interaction is refers to the ways people change their environment and how the environment effects them. By planting a tree you are physically interacting with your environment.

A human-environment interaction is refers to the ways people change their environment and how the environment effects them. By planting a tree you are physically interacting with your environment.

Lakes and valleys have been carved out by ___.

  1. chemical weathering
  2. volcanoes, earthquakes, and tornadoes
  3. mountains
  4. glaciers

In a process called glaciation, glaciers can slide along and carve out landscapes which can turn into valleys and lakes.

In a process called glaciation, glaciers can slide along and carve out landscapes which can turn into valleys and lakes.

In a process called glaciation, glaciers can slide along and carve out landscapes which can turn into valleys and lakes.

In a process called glaciation, glaciers can slide along and carve out landscapes which can turn into valleys and lakes.

To learn about changes in how land is being used, a geographer might rely on ___.

  1. satellites
  2. sonar
  3. perceptual regions
  4. lithosphere

Geographers often use satellite images to study how the land is used and ultimately being changed.

Geographers often use satellite images to study how the land is used and ultimately being changed.

Geographers often use satellite images to study how the land is used and ultimately being changed.

Geographers often use satellite images to study how the land is used and ultimately being changed.

A geologist working along the Ring of Fire would most likely bring back samples of ___.

  1. subduction
  2. loess
  3. lava
  4. GIS

The ring of fire is at the basin of the Pacific ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes occur. It is associated with a series of volcanic eruptions, oceanic trenches, and volcanic belts.

The ring of fire is at the basin of the Pacific ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes occur. It is associated with a series of volcanic eruptions, oceanic trenches, and volcanic belts.

The ring of fire is at the basin of the Pacific ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes occur. It is associated with a series of volcanic eruptions, oceanic trenches, and volcanic belts.

The ring of fire is at the basin of the Pacific ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes occur. It is associated with a series of volcanic eruptions, oceanic trenches, and volcanic belts.

A pilot flying for the first time to an airport on a Pacific island would most likely want to know the island’s ___.

  1. ecosystems
  2. continental drift
  3. human characteristics
  4. absolute location

Absolute location is the exact location on earth of a specific place. Latitude and longitude are often used to determine a place's absolute location.

Absolute location is the exact location on earth of a specific place. Latitude and longitude are often used to determine a place's absolute location.

Absolute location is the exact location on earth of a specific place. Latitude and longitude are often used to determine a place's absolute location.

Absolute location is the exact location on earth of a specific place. Latitude and longitude are often used to determine a place's absolute location.


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