
It is time to show what you know.

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You have studied food and the food groups. Now it's your turn to be creative with food. Create a chart or pyramid that shows the food groups in Spanish. In each group, you must include at minimum five foods. Label each food in Spanish. Use an online dictionary as needed.

Review the project requirements in the course before and after completing the assignment. This rubric will be used by your teacher to score your assignment. Use this rubric to help you meet the assignment’s criteria.

Food Pyramid Rubric

Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards
Score: 5 points Score: 4 points Score: 3 points Score: 0 to 2 points
The pyramid or chart was well presented. All information was easy to read. An excellent variety of colors was used. This pyramid or chart was well presented. Most of the information was easy to read. A good variety of colors was used. The pyramid or chart was mostly well presented. Some of the information was difficult to read. Little variety of colors was used. The pyramid or chart is not neat. It is difficult to read. No variety in colors was used.
All foods are labeled and spelled correctly. Most of the foods are labeled and spelled correctly. Some of the foods are labeled and spelled correctly. Many foods are labeled or spelled incorrectly. Nine or more errors are present.
Assignment Requirements
Completed all of the assignment requirements. Completed most of the assignment requirements. Completed some of the assignment requirements. The assignment is incomplete; doesn’t meet the assignment requirements.