Goal: Use counters and a part-part-whole chart to add and subtract.
Now you know how to use a part-part-whole chart. Let’s use one to find addition and subtraction sentences with the same parts and whole! Do you remember what two addition and two subtraction sentences that have the same parts and whole are called? They are a fact family. Because they share the same parts and whole, they are related like family members!
Click the Part-Part-Whole Chart button below to find and print a large part-part-whole chart. We are going to use our different-colored counters to find fact families. Let’s try it together first!
Part-Part-Whole ChartWe can use blue and yellow counters to show 6 - 2 = 4. First, what are the parts of 6 - 2 = 4?
From the subtraction sentence above, we know that 2 and 4 are the parts. We have 2 yellow counters and 4 blue counters. We need to find another subtraction sentence and two addition sentences that use the same parts and whole. Let’s use our part-part-whole chart to help us out! Put counters in the part sections of the chart to help you figure out what numbers are needed to make your fact family complete. What will our whole be? Use the slides below to help you answer this question.
Click the Relating Addition and Subtraction button below to find and print your worksheet. You will be using part-part-whole charts to draw counters to record your parts and whole! You can use the large part-part-whole chart and counters to help you. When you are done, turn in your assignment to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.
Relating Addition and Subtraction