
Add To (Up to 20) Video

It’s time to watch a video about choosing an addition strategy.




Goal: Understand when to choose an addition strategy to solve an addition fact.

The addition fairy is here! She is helping the horses become magical unicorns. But first, the horses need to help her add by choosing from the four addition strategies. Click the video below to watch the horses make their choices. Think about why some strategies work better than others for each addition problem.

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This is the addition fairy. She grants wishes to animals if they help her solve addition problems.

Look! The addition fairy has spotted 4 brown horses. Let’s see if they can help her.

The horses have agreed to help! They have always wanted to be magical unicorns. Maybe their wish will come true!

The first addition equation is 10+3. The first horse can choose to solve this equation using one of these strategies: counting on, doubles, near doubles, or ten frames. These addition strategies help us to add easily.

It looks like the horse has chosen counting on! That’s because it is quick and easy to count on 3 from 10.

Let’s count on together!

10, 11, 12, 13. The sum is 13. Very good!

The second addition equation is 7+8.

The second horse has chosen the near doubles strategy! That’s because 7 and 8 are almost the same number.

This horse knows that another way to write 7+8 is 7+7+1. Writing the equation this way helps the horse clearly see the doubles fact.

7+7=14, plus 1 more equals 15. Correct! The sum is 15.

The third addition equation is 11+9. Hmmm, I wonder what addition strategy this horse will choose.

Wow! It will use ten frames. That’s because 11 is close to 10, which makes it easy to fill a ten frame with 1 left over. Let’s see if we can help.

Here are two ten frames. We need 11 red circles and 9 blue circles. How many circles are there all together?

That’s right! 11+9=20.

The last addition equation is 9+9. It’s time for the fourth horse to choose an addition strategy.

It chose doubles! That’s because 9 and 9 are the same number.

This horse knows that 9+9=18. Wow! Addition is so fast when you know your doubles facts!

Each horse was able to solve the equations using addition strategies. Thank you for helping them! Now the addition fairy can grant the horses their wish! They are magical unicorns!

Add To (Up to 20)

Which addition strategy would NOT work for the addition sentence 10 + 3 = ___?

Sorry, this is the incorrect answer.

Sorry, this is the incorrect answer.

Near doubles would not work for this addition sentence. We are looking for two addends that are almost the same number, in order to use this strategy!

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