
Paper Making

Optional: Make paper today! See the materials list and instructions below. It’s messy; have fun with it! Save some pages for next week’s project.



Handmade paper in a pile PAPER MAKING INSTRUCTION

  • 2 newspaper pages torn into 2 inch squares
  • Food processor or blender
  • 2 Tbsp. white glue
  • 2-3 cups water
  • Sink with 4 inches water
  • Old pantyhose
  • Coat hanger

Step One: First Make the Frame

  1. Undo coat hanger
  2. Make 6x6 inch square
  3. Stretch one leg of pantyhose over it — take care that it does not snag; taping the end of the hanger will help
  4. Make it tight and flat
  5. Tie knots on ends
  6. You will need one frame for each piece of paper you intend to make

Step Two: Making Paper Pulp

  1. Put handful of torn paper and some water into the food processor or blender
  2. Leave it on for 2 minutes, until you have gray pulp
  3. If you wish, add food coloring for colored paper, or leaves or flowers for something interesting

Step Three: Making the Paper

  1. Put the white glue into the sink with 4 inches of water
  2. Add paper pulp
  3. Mix very well, using your hands (it’s messy, gooey fun — the children will love it!)
  4. Scoop the frame to the bottom of the sink
  5. Lift very slowly (count to 20 while lifting...)
  6. Let water drain out
  7. Repeat this procedure with new pulp and new frame for each piece of paper you wish to make
  8. Now hang the frame (or frames) on a clothesline and put it out in the sun to dry. Dry thoroughly, until they are completely dry.
  9. Peel the paper off the frames. The paper should be very hard and strong.
  10. Iron the new sheet of paper on the highest setting