Paper Making
Optional: Make paper today! See the materials list and instructions below. It’s messy; have fun with it! Save some pages for next week’s project.
- 2 newspaper pages torn into 2 inch squares
- Food processor or blender
- 2 Tbsp. white glue
- 2-3 cups water
- Sink with 4 inches water
- Old pantyhose
- Coat hanger
Step One: First Make the Frame
- Undo coat hanger
- Make 6x6 inch square
- Stretch one leg of pantyhose over it — take care that it does not snag; taping the end of the hanger will help
- Make it tight and flat
- Tie knots on ends
- You will need one frame for each piece of paper you intend to make
Step Two: Making Paper Pulp
- Put handful of torn paper and some water into the food processor or blender
- Leave it on for 2 minutes, until you have gray pulp
- If you wish, add food coloring for colored paper, or leaves or flowers for something interesting
Step Three: Making the Paper
- Put the white glue into the sink with 4 inches of water
- Add paper pulp
- Mix very well, using your hands (it’s messy, gooey fun — the children will love it!)
- Scoop the frame to the bottom of the sink
- Lift very slowly (count to 20 while lifting...)
- Let water drain out
- Repeat this procedure with new pulp and new frame for each piece of paper you wish to make
- Now hang the frame (or frames) on a clothesline and put it out in the sun to dry. Dry thoroughly, until they are completely dry.
- Peel the paper off the frames. The paper should be very hard and strong.
- Iron the new sheet of paper on the highest setting