
Let’s Learn!

What are bar graphs and pictographs?



Think About It!

Goal: Collect data and create graphs.

Sofia’s data shows four different kinds of pizza.

Favorite Pizza Toppings. Cheese - 16, Pepperoni - 14, Veggie - 12, Hawaiian - 8.

Make a Pictograph

Here is Sofia’s pictograph! Pictographs are graphs that use pictures to show data. Let’s help her put data in the pictograph.

Favorite pizza toppings. 1 dot = 2 customers. Cheese - 0, Pepperoni - 0, Veggie - 0, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 1

The tally chart says that 16 customers like cheese on their pizza. Each yellow dot in the pictograph represents 2 customers, so we will put 8 dots in the Cheese row.

Favorite pizza toppings. 1 dot = 2 customers. Cheese - 8 dots, Pepperoni - 0, Veggie - 0, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 2

14 customers like pepperoni on their pizza. Let’s put 7 dots in the Pepperoni row.

Favorite pizza toppings. 1 dot = 2 customers. Cheese - 8 dots, Pepperoni - 7 dots, Veggie - 0, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 3

6 dots go in the Veggie row because 12 customers like veggies on their pizza.

Favorite pizza toppings. 1 dot = 2 customers. Cheese - 8 dots, Pepperoni - 7 dots, Veggie - 6 dots, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 4

Only 8 customers like Hawaiian toppings on their pizza, so let’s put 4 dots in the Hawaiian row.

Favorite pizza toppings. 1 dot = 2 customers. Cheese - 8 dots, Pepperoni - 7 dots, Veggie - 6 dots, Hawaiian - 4 dots.

Make a Bar Graph

We can also use Sofia’s tally chart to make a bar graph! Bar graphs are graphs that use bars to show data.

Empty bar graph of favorite pizza toppings.

Step 1

16 customers like cheese on their pizza, so the bar above Cheese will line up with 16.

Bar graph of favorite pizza toppings. Cheese - 16, Pepperoni - 0, Veggie - 0, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 2

The bar above Pepperoni will line up with 14.

Bar graph of favorite pizza toppings. Cheese - 16, Pepperoni - 14, Veggie - 0, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 3

The bar above Veggie will line up with 12.

Bar graph of favorite pizza toppings. Cheese - 16, Pepperoni - 14, Veggie - 12, Hawaiian - 0.

Step 4

The bar above Hawaiian will line up with 8.

Bar graph of favorite pizza toppings. Cheese - 16, Pepperoni - 14, Veggie - 12, Hawaiian - 8.

Mismatch Game

Which kind of pizza topping is the most popular? Use the pictograph and bar graph to help you find the answer.

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Cheese is the most popular topping because it has the highest bar and the most dots.

Cheese is the most popular topping because it has the highest bar and the most dots.

Yes! Cheese is the most popular topping because it has the highest bar and the most dots.

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