Phonics: oi and oy
It is time to make some noise and practice the oi/oy sound.
Are you ready to make some pig noises and jump around? Watch the fun video below, and get your body ready to move! |
Did you hear that pig oink?
Let’s listen and watch for more words that have the /oi/ sound in them.
Every time you hear and see the /oi/ sound, oink like a pig!
Here we go!
The foil makes noise.
Did you hear any /oi/ sounds?
You sure did! You heard the /oi/ sound in foil and noise!
Oink like a pig!
He is going to boil the coin in oil.
Did you hear any /oi/ sounds?
You sure did! You heard the /oi/ sound in boil, coin, and oil.
Oink like a pig!
Ok…I am tired of oinking like a pig. How about we jump for joy!
Did you hear the /oy/ sound in joy? O and Y walking together also make the /oy/ sound.
Let’s listen and watch for more words that have the /oy/ sound in them.
Every time you hear and see the /oy/ sound, jump for joy!
The boy gets a lot of joy from his toy.
Did you hear any /oy/ sounds?
You sure did! You heard the /oy/ sound in boy, joy, and toy.
Jump for joy.
Roy enjoyed his oysters.
Did you hear any /oy/ sounds?
You sure did! You heard the /oy/ sound in Roy, enjoyed, and oysters.
Jump for joy.
Great listening for the /oy/ today!
Do not forget-when you see o and i walking together AND o and y walking together they make the /oy/ sound.