

audio buttonCan I identify errors in writing?



grammar giraffe

audio buttonLet's practice our editing skills today. Below, you will find a paragraph with a few errors in it. Look for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors.

You can copy and paste the selection into a word-processing document, then draw a line through each error and write the correction above it, or track your changes on it if you are typing.

audio buttonDo you know what you're tonsils are used for. Your nose and mouth are like open doors for germs. Your Tonsils stop germs before they get to far. Tonsils are like little. Sponges at the top of your throat. They soak up and destroying germs.

audio buttonWhen you are done editing your paragraph, click on the Answer button to check your work. Did you find all the errors?

audio buttonDo you know what your tonsils are used for? Your nose and mouth are like open doors for germs. Your tonsils stop germs before they get too far. Tonsils are like little sponges at the top of your throat. They soak up and destroy germs.