

audio buttonHow can I create a sentence with subject-verb agreement?



grammar giraffe

audio buttonEarlier this week, we worked on identifying subjects as singular or plural.

Then, we looked at identifying verbs as singular or plural.

Today, we are going to combine what we know about subjects and verbs to match them in a sentence.

Watch the movie below to discover the pattern in creating a sentence with a matching subject and verb.

PDF Download Today, we are going to take a look at subject/verb agreement.
Think back to what we have learned about subjects and verbs earlier this week. Look at the examples on the screen. What do you notice about the subject and verb in each sentence? Is there a pattern?

Look at the subject and verb in this sentence. Is “light” singular or plural? Now, look at the verb in this sentence. Is “shines” singular or plural? What is the pattern?

How do you know that “light” is singular? How do you know that “shines” is singular? Now we know that most subjects that do not end in “-s,-es, or -ies” are singular. If there is only “one”, that also means singular. A singular verb usually does end in “s”. This tells us the subject and verb are both singular.

Look at the subject and verb in this sentence. Is “lights” singular or plural? Now, look at the verb in this sentence. Is “shine” singular or plural? What is the pattern?
How do you know that “lights” is plural? How do you know that “shine” is plural? Now we know that most subjects that do end in “-s,-es,or -ies” are plural. More than “one” of a subject is also plural. A plural verb usually does not end in “s”. This tells us the subject and verb are both plural.

What pattern do you notice with the subject and verb of each sentence?
The subject and verb must match. If the subject is singular, the verb needs to be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb needs to be plural.
The word “and” tells us the subject is plural. This sentence needs a plural verb, ride.

If the subject has an “or”, use the last noun in the subject to decide if the verb is singular or plural.
Some pronouns always take singular verbs.
The subject and verb need to match in a sentence.


audio buttonWhen you have finished the video, complete the worksheet and submit it to your teacher.