
Let’s Learn to Make Patterns




monkey with question mark

Make patterns and count.

A pattern is a set of objects that repeats. You could make a pattern with colors, shapes, pictures, or objects. The only rule for patterns is that it must repeat!

Look at the glasses below.

glasses set in a pattern: small, big, small, big

Can you see how this pattern first has a black pair of glasses, then a green pair? Those same two objects show up again after that—they repeat. This is a pattern!

We call this an AB pattern because the first object (A) appears, then the second (B), then the first (A) again, then the second (B) again.

glasses set in a pattern: small-a, big-b, small-a, big-b

We can practice counting as we practice patterns, too! Work your way through each tab to count and identify patterns.

How many pairs of glasses are there?

glasses set in a pattern: small-a, big-b, small-a, big-b

There are 4 pairs of glasses!

Now, look at these glasses. Do they have a pattern?

glasses set in a pattern: gray, gray, brown, gray, gray, brown

This is a pattern because the objects repeat: purple glasses, then purple glasses, then black glasses, then those same objects appear again.

We call this an AAB pattern because the first object (A) appears twice before the second object (B) appears. Then, the first object (A) appears twice again followed by the second object (B) again.
glasses set in a pattern: gray-a, gray-a, brown-b, gray-a, gray-a, brown-b

We can practice counting as we practice patterns, too! How many pairs of glasses are there?

There are six pairs of glasses!

Finally, look at these glasses.

5 different pair glasses

What do you notice about these glasses? Is this a pattern?

No! This is NOT a pattern because the glasses do not repeat! This is not an AB or an AAB pattern.

Using what you have learned about patterns, answer the question below.

Yes or No?

Is this a pattern?

alternating shapes: triangle, star, triangle, star, triangle, star

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