
What themes emerged by the end of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

You may remember that themes are rarely stated directly in a novel but can be summarized in one sentence. One theme that emerges in Mildred Taylor’s novel can be stated as “Family ties are more important than things,” but this idea does not appear so directly anywhere in the book. Instead, the idea is demonstrated through the events of the story and the ways these events affect characters.

Happy African American family posing on the couch together at home in the living room

A good conversation starter when discussing a novel is to describe what you think may be a theme of the story and then ask other readers if they see evidence of the theme as well. To generate some ideas for possible themes in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, use the following strategies.

Sometimes, but not always, a novel’s title provides clues about its themes. Skim the novel to see if the author uses any part of the title within the story, and think carefully about how those words are used.

Authors often repeat important insights and ideas to reinforce or emphasize a theme. For this reason, it’s a good idea to look for recurring topics or language as you review a novel’s important scenes or sections.

Every good novel has one or two major conflicts as well as some smaller conflicts, most of which are resolved during the novel’s climax, falling action, or resolution. Look closely at these conflicts and examine how they affect characters, noting any outcomes that might relate to a bigger idea.

How characters act and react, and especially the words they say, can help you identify themes. What conversations and feelings keep coming up, and what do the characters themselves learn and do differently as the novel progresses? Answering these questions can help you identify themes.

Often writers will reinforce a theme at the end of the story so that it’s the last thing readers think about. Review the conclusion for any insights about life. These can take the form of details or carefully worded sentences that seem really meaningful even if they don’t directly state a theme.

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In your journal, write down two possible themes from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Then write down a question about each theme that you could ask during a collaborative discussion.

When you have written a complete and detailed answer to the journal prompt, save the file so that you can open it again.