
Compassion Practice

Why don’t the other dogs want to play with Rocky?



Rocky is a bully who is always mean and rude to other dogs. Because of his bad behavior, Rocky has no friends. He doesn’t understand why no one wants to play with him. Let’s see what happens when Spot shows compassion for Rocky.

Playing with Rocky

Why do you think none of the other dogs wanted to play with Rocky?

Rocky ate too much food.
Rocky was a super-cute puppy.
Rocky was a bully and was mean to the other dogs.

What did Rocky do that made other dogs not like him?

Rocky shared his bones.
Rocky took other dogs’ toys.
Rocky was very quiet.

How did Spot show compassion to Rocky?

Spot told Rocky to be kind.
Spot barked at Rocky all day long.
Spot showed Rocky where to bury his bones.

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