
Written Presentation Assignment

It’s time to show what you know!



Kids having fun learning geography.

Now that you have learned the parts of a letter, it is your turn to write a letter. First, choose 5 important people from history that you learned about in social studies this year. Then, write a letter to your teacher telling 1 fact about each historical figure. Make sure to include all the parts of a friendly letter!

Click the Activity button to download and print the Written Presentation worksheet. Turn it in to your teacher when you are done.

You will be graded using the following rubric.

Happy Face


Worried Face


Sad Face

Needs Improvement

I shared at least 1 thing I learned in Social Studies for 5 historical figures.

I shared at least 1 thing I learned in Social Studies for less than 5 historical figures.

I shared very few things I learned in Social Studies for 5 historical figures.

I did my best handwriting.

I used somewhat good handwriting.

I used poor handwriting.

My project is very neat and organized.

My project is somewhat neat and organized.

My project is not neat and organized.

I did my best spelling.

I used mostly correct spelling.

I made several spelling mistakes.