
Making Recycled Crayons

Here are the step-by-step instructions.



Click through the slideshow and follow the directions to make your crayons.

Cover Page


Ask an adult to preheat the oven to 275° Fahrenheit. Then, place cupcake liners in a muffin pan or place a piece of parchment paper on your cookie sheet and set your metal cookie cutters on top. If you are using a candy mold, you do not need to do any extra preparation. Then, peel the paper wrappers off your old crayons. Break up any larger pieces of crayon. All the pieces should fit within your mold.

Mix and Match

Place your pieces of crayon into your molds, mixing the colors. You can add whichever colors you want to the molds. The more crayons you add, the fatter your new crayons will be.

Melt (Adult Help Required)

Place your crayons in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until they are completely melted. Then, take them out and place aside to cool for about 20 minutes. An adult should perform this step because melted crayons are very hot!


When the wax has cooled and hardened, carefully pop your crayons out of their molds. Now you have a set of rainbow crayons!


Use your new crayons to create a drawing. Don’t worry about what you create, just experiment with the new crayons and their shape!

Did you have fun? Take a picture of your creation and send it to your teacher!


Happy African American boy.

Good work!

Smiling red haired girl.

Could do better.

Mad little boy.

Need to improve.

You completed your art work.

Most of your art work is complete.

Some of your art work is incomplete.

Most of your art work is incomplete.

Your work is done correctly.

Most of your art work is done correctly.

Some of your art work is done incorrectly.

Most of your art work is done incorrectly.

Your work is neat and tidy.

Your work is mostly neat and tidy.

Some of your work is neat and tidy.

Most of your work is not neat and tidy.

You put your best effort into your art work.

You put a good effort into your art work.

You put some effort into your art work.

You put little effort into your art work.